Homeboy Industries

The delicious Homegirl Cafe at Homeboy Industries. They serve breakfast and lunch Monday – Friday, beginning at 7:30am and brunch on Saturday from 9:00am – 2:30.
Homegirl Cafe is at 130 West Bruno Street by downtown Los Angeles. It’s two blocks from Union Station.
I have been intrigued by Homeboy Industries since reading Greg Boyle’s amazing book – Tattoos On the Heart.
Greg Boyle started this amazing organization which provides programs for at risk youth. Thousands of young adults who were formerly involved in gangs are now leading gang-free productive lives thanks to this program.
Homeboy Industries offers legal advice, counseling, vocational training and one of the most requested services – tattoo removal. They perform over 4,000 tattoo removal treatments each year.
One of the skills that the participants learn is how to become competent employees. Through on-site job training, Homeboy assures that these Young adults will keep their jobs for years after leaving the program.
They employ hundreds of workers at their printing press, bakery and on-site cafe.
I recently visited Homegirl Cafe for lunch. The food was quite delicious and served with an appreciative smile. The freshly baked cookies I brought home from their bakery were wonderful.
After lunch we were taken on a tour of Homeboy Industries. From the garden where their herbs are grown to the room where tattoos are removed – we were given an informative explanation of their unique facility. Our tour guide was beyond appreciative for this extraordinary program that gave him back his life. He said he expected to spend the rest of his life in prison but he now looks forward to a wonderful life – all because of this incredible program. Their motto “Jobs not Jails”
really tells it all.
Pryor Events are fans of Homeboy Industries.